
Are you tired of seeing your favorite things end up in the trash just because they have a little hiccup? Well, fret no more! We're here to celebrate the art of fixing and reviving items with the Fix It! Contest.

Whether it's a broken toaster, a worn-out pair of jeans, or a lonely old chair missing a leg, we want to see your creative solutions to give them a new lease on life. We believe in the power of resourcefulness, ingenuity, and a touch of DIY magic!

So, dust off your toolboxes, gather your sewing kits, and let your imagination run wild. It's time to show off your skills, share your step-by-step guides, and inspire others to join the movement of sustainability and conscious consumption.

Not only will you have a chance to win fantastic prizes, but you'll also be making a positive impact on the environment by reducing waste. Remember, every repaired item is a small victory against throwaway culture!

Only   left to enter the Fix It Contest!

Grand Prize

19 Prizes

Grand Prize

One Grand Prize winner will receive: $500 Gift Card

First Prize

Three First Prize winners will receive: $300 Gift Card

Second Prize

Five Second Prize winners will receive: $100 Gift Card

Runner Up

Ten Runner Up winners will receive: $50 Gift Card
How It Works

Write an Instructable

Create a new Instructable that fits the guidelines outlined in the contest description above. To be eligible, Instructables must be published between Feb 19, 2024 and Apr 15, 2024 (11:59pm PT).


Upon publishing your Instructable you'll see checkboxes for open contests. Select Fix It Contest. If you have entries currently eligible for entry, it will also show up by clicking "Enter this Contest" on the right side of this page.


Entries are accepted by Instructables staff within one business day Monday - Friday. What matters is the submission time, not acceptance time.


A panel of judges made up of Instructables staff and respected members of the community rate the finalists. The averages of the ratings determine the winners.


When the winners are decided they will be notified and announced here on the contest page.